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Pickups and Amplifiers

Inductive Pickups and Amplifiers (IF und VIEG)

for extreme medium temperatures

Functions & Specifications

Supply Voltage

UB: +7 up to 29 V DC

Quiescent Current

IR < 4 mA Frequence Range: 7 up to 3,000 Hz depending on flow meter

Ambient Temperature

-40 °C up to +80 °C [-40 °F up to +176 °F]

Medium Temperature

max. +350 °C [+662 °F] depending on IF sensor

Output Signal

frequency output (various modes)

Ex Protection

II 2G EEx ia IIC T4-T6

Documents, Manuals & Software

Inductive Pulse Amplifiers – Datasheet IF and VIEG01.01.2022English (EN)PDF (913 KB)
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