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Chemical Injection
Chemical Injection is used to maintain flow, reduce corrosion and deposits, and improve oil / water treatment.

Technical Data
Medium | Cossosion Inh, Scale Inh, Biozid, Demulsifier, etc. |
Temperature | -40 °C up to +50 °C [-40 °F up to +122 °F] |
Pressure | up to 1,035 bar [15,000 psi] |
Measuring range | 0,12 up to 2,500 l/min |
Viscosi | 5 up to 400 mPas 20 °C |
Density at 20 °C | 800 bis 1,200 kg/cm³ |
Chemical Injection is used to maintain flow, reduce corrosion and deposits, and improve oil / water treatment. It is a process that is intended to improve oil production and in which reliable and accurate measurement is required for expensive chemicals. It is important that flow meters used are able to ensure a highly precise measurement with continuous dosing quantities despite the pulsating nature of the pumps and also withstand high system pressures. When pumping crude oil, water is usually also conveyed, which contains acidic gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon dioxide (CO2). These gases increase the corrosive effect of water on steel and can significantly affect safe operating time of production pipes and equipment, production containers and transport systems.
There are a large number of different chemicals that are added to crude oil production, e.g. to prevent biological growth, dust or rust contamination and corrosion in general. These liquids, depending on their concentration, place high demands on the components in flow meters that come into contact with the fluid. Depending on the area of application, onshore or offshore, the process parameters differ, especially with regard to flow rates and operating pressures.
The KEM ZHM MK-Series and ZHM HP-Series gear flow meters for accurate flow measurement in high pressure applications.
- Pressure shock resistant construction
- Large viscosity range
- Wide measuring range dynamics
- Low maintenance
- Corrosion-resistant wetted parts (PREN <40)